东莞莞彩喷绘制作有限公司是一家专业从事大型喷绘、制作、装饰为一体的后广告企业,主营广告制作和喷绘耗材。莞彩领导人于1996年进入广告喷绘行业,先后创建过十几家喷绘公司。莞彩拥有最先进的高精度户外、户内喷绘设备和多条先进的喷绘生产线及一支技术过硬的工程队伍。莞彩人均经过严格的岗前强化训练,爱岗敬业,崇尚合作。 莞彩在东莞广告业界以管理严谨、质量过硬和服务阳光著称,莞彩人充分理解客户的需求,在制作、生产、服务的过程中,本着“客户——上帝!”的经营理念,处处为客户着想。目前,莞彩正服务于多家国内外知名品牌、大型百货超市及东莞资深广告策划公司,在客户中享有良好口碑,被誉为“诚信莞彩”。 目前公司共有喷绘写真设备14台,可以制作任何个性化需求广告产品和特殊喷绘写真耗材。 喷绘材料包括:ECO 弱溶剂处理布类产品,科宝,灯布,灯片等 写真材料包括:PP,防水布类等 更多公司信息请关注公司博客: Guancai painting manufacture company major super painting, manufacture and install for advertisement service. Being master painting manufacture the painting consumer material manufacture as well. Guancai handle guys set up over 10 company being 13 years experience of super painting way. Status we have 14 paint machines and design team, program team, manufacture team, painting customer service team and purchase team. All of us must through series training to establish team work spirit. In local we win customer as good part quality and smile service. It make we have strong heart service customer. Current our customer include supermarket , famous real estate and outdoor super-board. Detail please clinks our Alibaba BLOG:. 更多内容请关注公司博客。 |